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       复旦大学化学系本科,博士。2006年进入复旦大学生物医学研究院工作,任讲师,副教授。主要研究方向包括与疾病相关的大规模蛋白质组学研究,包括相关样本的蛋白质组深度测定,翻译后修饰研究,及相应的生物功能挖掘和研究,以及脂类代谢和信号通路研究。作为第一负责人负责国家863项目“电喷雾离子化飞行时间质谱仪的研制”(2014AA010902)和自然科学基金项目“肝癌转移的分泌组学”(30700990)。作为学术骨干参与科技部973项目“基于相互作用网络构建及分析的蛋白质功能研究”(2013CB910802),卫生部“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”重大专项的“肝癌发生发展和复发转移的机制和治疗靶点研究”(2008ZX10002021-006)和“病毒性肝炎相关肝癌转移复发的预测诊断与防治新策略研究”(2012ZX10002012-006)等项目。作为学术骨干参与CNHLPP,CHPP等多个国际合作项目。在Genes&Dev., J. Proteome Res., Proteomics等刊物上发表论文十余篇,总影响因子>60。

1 Disease related proteomics, 
2 Methodology of proteomics and PTMs, 
3 Metabonomics and lipidomics

1. Huanhu Zhu, Huali Shen, Aileen K Sewell, Marina Kniazeva, and Min Han*. A novel sphingolipid-TORC1 pathway critically promotes postembryonic development in Caenorhabditis elegans. eLife. 2013; 2: e00429.
2. Yanyan Yu, Xiuwen Pan, Ying Ding, Xiaohui Liu, Hailin Tang, Chengpin Shen, Huali Shen* and Pengyuan Yang*. An iTRAQ based quantitative proteomic strategy to explore novel secreted proteins in metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines.  Analyst, 2013, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C3AN00517H
3. Chengpin Shen, Yanyan Yu, Hong Li, Guoquan Yan, Mingqi Liu, Huali Shen*, Pengyuan Yang*. Global profiling of proteolytically modified proteins in human metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines reveals CAPN2 centered network. Proteomics. 2012 Jun; 12(12):1917-27.
4. Songfeng Wu, Ning Li, Jie Ma, Huali Shen, Pengyuan Yang *, and Fuchu He *, et. al. First Proteomic Exploration of Protein-Encoding Genes on Chromosome 1 in Human Liver, Stomach, and Colon. J proteome res, 2013, 12, 67-80. IF 5.48
5. Chengpin Shen, Yanyan Yu, Hong Li, Guoquan Yan, Mingqi Liu, Huali Shen*, Pengyuan Yang*. Global profiling of proteolytically modified proteins in human metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines reveals CAPN2 centered network. Proteomics. 2012 Jun; 12(12):1917-27.
6. Marina Kniazeva, Huali Shen, Tetyana Euler, Chen Wang, and Min Han. Regulation of maternal phospholipid composition and IP3-dependent embryonic membrane dynamics by a specific fatty acid metabolic event in C. elegans. Genes Dev. March 15, 2012 26: 554-566.
7. Yanyan Yu, Huali Shen, Hongxiu Yu, Pengyuan Yang, et. al. Systematic proteomic analysis of human Hepatocellular carcinoma cells reveals molecular pathways and networks involved in metastasis. Mol Biosyst. 2011 Jun;7(6):1908-16. 
8. Yanyan Yu, Mingqi Liu, Huali Shen*, Pengyuan Yang*, et. al. Hydrazide-functionalized Magnetic Microspheres for the Selective Enrichment of Digested Tryptophan-containing Peptides in Serum. Talanta, 2011, 85(2):1001–1006 
9. Huali Shen, Gang Cheng, Huizhi Fan, Pengyuan Yang, et. al. Expressed proteome analysis of human hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice (LCI-D20) with high metastasis potential. Proteomics, 6(2), 528-537 
10. Chinese Human Liver Proteome Profiling Consortium. First Insight into the Human Liver Proteome from PROTEOMESKY-LIVER Hu 1.0, a Publicly Available Database. J proteome res, 2010, 9 (1), 79-94