姓 名:王菲菲
职 称:教授
电 话:021-54237680
1999.09—2003.06 复旦大学 生命科学学院 本科
2005.09—2010.07 复旦大学 基础医学院 药理学 博士
2014.4~2015.10 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 博士后
2011 阿片受体信号转导新机制(第四完成人), 教育部自然科学一等奖
2013 神经可塑性调节新机制的研究(第三完成人), 教育部自然科学二等奖
1、2021 科技部, 科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目(2021ZD0203500), 长期记忆存储与提取的机制研究, 2021-12 至 2026-11, 4475万元, 在研, 主持;
2、2019 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目(31871021) 效价细胞及其环路重塑在成瘾药物诱发的行为强化中的作用及机制, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 59万元, 在研, 主持
脑科学前沿 核心实验技术II
2020— 中国神经科学学会 神经与突触可塑性分会委员
2021— 中国药物滥用防治协会 成瘾与脑科学分会常委
1、Jiang C#, Yang X#, He G#, Wang F, Xu W, Mao Y, and Ma L*, Wang F*. CRHCeA→VTA inputs inhibit the positive ensembles to induce negative affect of opiate withdrawal. Mol Psychiatry. 2021, 26(11):6170-6186
2、Shao M#, Yang X#, Zhang C, Jiang C, Ma L*, Wang F*. O-GlcNAcylation in ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons regulates the response to natural reward and motor learning ability. Neurosci Bull 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12264-021-00776-8
3、Jiang C, Wang X, Le Q, Liu P, Liu C, Wang Z, He G, Zheng P, Wang F*, Ma L*. Morphine coordinates SST and PV interneurons in the prelimbic cortex to disinhibit pyramidal neurons and enhance reward. Mol Psychiatry. 26:1178-1193, 2021.
4、Jin T, Chen R, Shao M, Yang X, Ma L, Wang F*. Dorsal hippocampus- and ACC-projecting medial septum neurons differentially contribute to the recollection of episodic-like memory. FASEB J. 34:11741–11753, 2020.
5、Wang Z#, Jin T#, Le Q#, Liu C, Wang X, Wang F*, Ma L*. Retrieval-driven hippocampal Nptx2 Plasticity Facilitates the Extinction of Cocaine-Associated Context Memory. Bio Psychiatry. 87:979–991, 2020.
6、Liu C, Sun X, Wang Z, Le Q, Liu P, Jiang C, Wang F*, Ma L*. Retrieval-induced Upregulation of Tet3 in Pyramidal Neurons of the Dorsal Hippocampus Mediates Cocaine-Associated Memory Reconsolidation. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 21(3):255-266. 2018.
7、Niu B#, Liu P#, Shen M#, Liu C, Wang L, Wang F* and Ma L*. GRK5 regulates social behaviour via suppression of mTORC1 signaling in medial prefrontal cortex. Cerebral cortex. 28(2):421-432, 2018.
8、Gao Y#, Wang F#, Brian E. Eisinger#, Laurel E. Kelnhofer1, Emily Jobe and Zhao X*. Integrative Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals Molecular Networks Defining Neuronal Maturation during Adult Neurogenesis. Cerebral Cortex. 27(3):2064-2077. 2017.
9、Shen M, Jiang C, Liu P, Wang F*, Ma L*. Mesolimbic leptin signaling negatively regulates cocaine conditioned reward. Transl psychiatry. 6(12): e972, 2016.
10、Wang F, Tidei J, Polich E, Gao Y, Zhao H, Perrone-Bizzozero N*, Guo W*, Zhao X*. Positive feedback between RNA-binding protein HuD and transcription factor SATB1 promotes neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad SciU S A 112 (36): E4995-5004, 2015