- Effect of nourishing yin-removing fire Chinese herbal mixtur...[2021-07-27]
- Effectsofandrogenandleptinonbehavioralandcellularresponsesin...[2021-07-27]
- Electoacupuncture combined with clomipramine enhances antide...[2021-07-27]
- Electroacupuncture attenuates the decrease of hippocampal pr...[2021-07-27]
- Electroacupuncture downregulates TLR24 and pro-inflammatory ...[2021-07-27]
- Electroacupuncture stimulates the expression of prolactin-re...[2021-07-27]
- Elevatedestrogenreceptorexpressioninhypothalamicpreopticarea...[2021-07-27]
- Expression of brain prolactin releasing peptide(PrRP) change...[2021-07-27]
- Extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation in spinal a...[2021-07-27]
- FYN-dependent muscle-immune interaction after sciatic nerve ...[2021-07-27]
- Genetic modeling of ovarian phenotypes in mice for the study...[2021-07-27]
- Gliaatrophyinthehippocampusofchronicunpredictablestress-indu...[2021-07-27]
- Haplotypes predict high- and low-expression of human tryptop...[2021-07-27]
- Huperzine A ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomye...[2021-07-27]
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