

发表时间:2022-05-16 阅读次数:640



2009/9-2013/7    南通大学理学学士

2013/9-2019/7   上海交通大学医学院基础医学专业博士

2019/7-2021/7   上海交通大学医学院博士后研究员

2021/8-至今        复旦大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学系 青年研究员

2022/1-至今        复旦大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学系 硕导




主要从事肿瘤微环境代谢与肿瘤免疫相关研究关注肿瘤微环境中肿瘤细胞与免疫细胞的相互作用调控机制以及潜在的临床转化应用。相关研究成果以第一作者发表在NATURE IMMUNOLOGY, GASTROENTEROLOGY, J CELL MOL MED, CELL DEATH&DISEASE, CANCER RESEARCH等国际高水平学术期刊上。


转录因子MondoA负调控肿瘤微环境CD8阳性T细胞功能的机制研究 编号:82003012,经费:24万元,2021.1-2023.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人


1. Li, Y.#, Lu, Y.#, Lin, SH., Li, N., Han, Y., Huang, Q., Zhao, Y., Xie, F., Guo, Y., Deng, B., Tsun, A., Du, J., Li, D., Sun, J., Shi, G., Zheng, F., Su, X., Duan, S., Zheng, SG., Wang, G.*, Tong, X.*, Li, B.* Insulin signaling establishes a developmental trajectory of adipose Treg cells. Nature Immunology, 2021;22(9):1175-1185.

2. Lu, Y.#, Li, Y.#, Liu, Q., Tian, N., Du, P., Zhu, F., Han, Y., Liu, X., Liu, X., Peng, X., Wang, X., Wu, Y., Tong, L., Li, Y., Zhu, Y., Wu, L., Zhang, P., Xu, Y., Chen, H.*, Li, B.*, Tong, X.* MondoA-TXNIP axis maintains regulatory T cell identity and function in colorectal cancer microenvironment. Gastroenterology, 2021;161(2): 575-591.

3. Lu Y.#, Tian, N.#, Hu, L.#, Meng, J., Feng, M., Zhu, Y., Zhang, P., Li, M., Liu, Q., Tong, L., Tong, X.*, Li, Y.*, Wu, L.* ERα down-regulates carbohydrate responsive element binding protein and decreases aerobic glycolysis in liver cancer cells. J Cell Mol Med, 2021;25(7):3427-3436.

4. Li, M.#, Zhang, X.#, Lu, Y.#, Meng, S., Quan, H., Hou, P., Tong, P., Chai, D., Gao, X., Zheng, J.*, Tong, X.*, Bai, J.* The nuclear translocation of transketolase inhibits the farnesoid receptor expression by promoting the binding of HDAC3 to FXR promoter in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. 2020; Cell Death & Disease,11(1):31.

5. Li, M.#, Lu, Y.#, Li, Y.#, Tong, L., Gu, XC., Meng, J., Zhu, Y., Wu, L., Feng, M., Tian, N., Zhang, P., Xu, T., Lin, SH.*, Tong, X.* Transketolase deficiency protects the liver from DNA damage by increasing levels of Ribose 5-Phosphate and nucleotides. Cancer Research, 2019;79(14):3689-3701.





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