
  • 职    称:实验师

  • 电    话:021-54237669

  • 电子邮箱:jxliu@fudan.edu.cn

  • 办公地点:上海市徐汇区东安路131号复星楼332

  • 教育经历

  • 工作经历

  • 研究方向

  • 课程讲授

  • 代表性论著

  • 1995.09—2000.07  复旦大学上海医学院法医学本科

  • 2002.09—2006.07  复旦大学上海医学院病原生物学硕士研究生

  • 2000.07—至今  复旦大学上海医学院病原生物学系

  • 重要病毒持续性感染形成和维持的分子机制研究


  • 《细胞与分子生物学实验》、《医学分子病毒细菌实验》

  1. 刘江霞#; 宋武慧; 熊雅婷; 丁焕平; 袁正宏* 核酸类似物PNA在HepG 2.2.15细胞中对乙型肝炎病毒复制的抑制作用。中国临床药学杂志, 2012, (06): 363-366.

  2. Zhang, X#; Liu, J#; Hu, Y; Chen, Hi; Yuan, Z* Hyper-activated IRF-1 and STAT1 contribute to enhanced interferon stimulated gene (ISG) expression by interferon at and gamma co-treatment in human hepatoma cell. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure and Expression, 2006, 1759(8-9): 417-425.

  3. Shen F, Li Y, Wang Y, Sozzi V, Revill P, Liu J, Gao L, Yang G, Lu M, Sutter K, Dittmer U, Chen J*, Yuan Z*. Hepatitis B virus sensitivity to interferon-alpha in hepatocytes is more associated with cellular interferon response than with viral genotype.2018, Hepatology 67:1237-1252.

  4. Zhang W, Chen J, Wu M, Zhang X, Zhang M, Yue L, Li Y, Liu J, Li B, Shen F, Wang Y, Bai L, Protzer U, Levrero M, Yuan Z*. PRMT5 restricts hepatitis B virus replication through epigenetic repression of covalently closed circular DNA transcription and interference with pregenomic RNA encapsidation.2017, Hepatology 66:398-415.

  5. Li J, Liu K, Liu Y, Xu Y, Zhang F, Yang H, Liu J, Pan T, Chen J, Wu M, Zhou X, Yuan Z*. Exosomes mediate the cell-to-cell transmission of IFN-alpha-induced antiviral activity.2013, Nature Immunology 14:793-803.