





1.        研究方向:脂代谢与代谢性疾病、表观遗传调控与代谢性疾病以及相关领域的转化研究等。

2.        申请者年龄在55岁以下,具有博士学位,国外知名研究大学具有副教授以上职称;或者“杰出青年基金”获得者。

3.        有良好的团队合作精神和学科建设、管理经验、学风正派。

4.        聘期内全职来校工作,一般每年在实验室工作时间不少于9个月。


1.   应聘者需提供材料如下:

(1)  个人简历,包括:应聘职务、姓名、性别、出生年月、专业技术职务、行政职务、最高学历、主要工作经历、目前从事的研究领域、主要学术成就、国内外重要学术兼职、个人近照、联系方式(办公电话、手机、传真、Email、邮寄地址)等,需本人亲笔签名。

(2)  对代谢分子医学教育部重点实验室今后五年工作的初步设想。


2.   经学校资格审查、现场答辩确定推荐人选后报教育部审批。


通信地址:中国上海市东安路131号复旦大学基础医学院 科研办公室

邮政编码:200032   联系人:周琼

联系电话:021-54237305  13917849187


Director of Key Laboratory of Metabolism and Molecular Medicine, Ministry of Education,
Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University


        Fudan University is one of China’s key universities which are affiliated to the Ministry of Education. It was also included in the country’s construction plan of world-class universities and first-class disciplines.The Key Laboratory of was founded in 2001 based on the former Department of Molecular Genetics which was established in 1988 as the name of Molecular Medicine of Ministry of Education. In 2014 it was changed to the Key Laboratory Metabolism and Molecular Medicine of Ministry of Education. The Key Laboratory has also passed the evaluations three times with high grades, which were organized by the Ministry of Education in 2005, 2010 and 2016.


        Now, according to the requirement of the Ministry of Education, the Key Laboratory of Metabolism and Molecular Medicine of Ministry of Education will recruit a new director around the world. The applicant will fit to the conditions listed below:


        The applicant who intends to apply for the directorship of Key Laboratory of Metabolism and Molecular Medicine must fulfill the following requirements:

l  Research area: lipid metabolism and metabolic disorders, translational research of epigenetic regulation and metabolic disorders in related area.

l  (Overseas applicants) Hold professorship or associate professorship in an internationally well-known university or research institute.

l  (Domestic applicants) Hold a professorship in a nationally well-known university in China. Be preferred if being a recipient of National Outstanding Youth Fund or "Changjiang Scholarship".

l  Be preferred with the sense of teamwork and management experience.

l  Be healthy and younger than 55 years old.


l  Must work full-time (minimum 9 months per year) during the contract period.

Applicants should submit application materials both in hard copy and digital version, including:

l  Full C. V. with following information: application position, name, gender, birth date, current academic and administrative position, education, employment history, research areas, major accomplishment in academia, professional services and committee work, recent personal photo, corresponding methods (office telephone, mobile, fax, Email and mailing address), and handwritten signature.


l  Statement of preliminary five-year working plan for the key lab.


l  Full consideration will be given to applications received by November 7, 2017.


l  Salary and benefit will be commensurate with the rule of Fudan University.

l  An interview will be required after the primary qualification evaluation by the Advisory Committee of Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University. The appointment of finalist will be subject to the approval of Ministry of Education, P. R. China.


Please send applications to:

     Tel:021-54237305   13917849187

E-mail: qiongzhou@shmu.edu.cn